I don’t think anybody noticed…

Whilst the official end of term is on Friday, my term is now over. My four day weekend has now turned into a month off. I unfortunately took the day off which meant I didn’t really have a defined end of term, but I don’t think term feels like it has ended for anybody. Everybody I know still has the productive mindset. It is hard after a term of working hard to just relax again. I have one piece of work still to do before the end of term but I am nearly done with it. It is really nice to be able to just sit down for the evening without having a whole list of things that need to be done.

I say there wasn’t really a defined end of term; the law school end of term party was this evening. It was not bad for a free event. Free wine and nibbles… Who could say no to that? I can’t help but feel bitter about our team not winning the Christmas quiz. We only got one wrong and we lost. I still hold that ‘I saw three ships’ is not a real song. We might not have won but I am not that fussed about not winning… We still got some of the sweets. It’s all good. I also gained some tinsel out of the night. I really don’t think anybody noticed me walking out with about a foot of tinsel wrapped around my neck. I feel guilty. I can feel my insides churning with the guilt of stealing the tinsel. I feel bad… Until I think about my friend… Then I feel a lot better. She knows what she did… Tut tut. Read my disapproving tone!

Speaking of evenings out, I am almost regretting organising a big night out for tomorrow. It is the last chance I will have to see my university friends until January… But I have to get the train down to Brighton quite early on Friday. I think you can see the problem arising from this arrangement. An evening of rather heavy drinking… And then at least 4 hours of travelling. Could be disastrous. Let us just hope that my record of zero hangovers continues.

I am sometimes far too middle class. Sitting around drinking Elderflower Pressé and raspberry lemonade with Hanna. I don’t know how much more middle class we can get. I suppose we have balanced it out by drinking it with chicken burgers. A real classy end to the night after standing around drinking wine with barristers and law students.